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Use Tabs... under the Text menu to display a dialog box that allows you toadd or remove tab stops for the current paragraph. Tab stops are the pointsat which the cursor stops when pressing the [Tab] key on your keyboard. Up to 20 tab stops may be defined for a given paragraph. When you add a tab stop you can specify up to three attributes for it. These are:

. Tab Alignment : Left, Right, or Center.

. Line spacing ( leading )

. Character Sequence : Any valid sequence of characters, including spaces.

. Position : May be set at any location on the horizontal ruler.
The alignment of the tab stop determines how text aligns to it:

. Left tab alignment places the first character typed at the tab stop position. As additional characters are typed in, the text moves to the right of the tab stop.

. Right alignment places the last character typed flush to the tab stop position. As additional characters are typed in, the text moves to the left of the tab stop.

. Center alignment centers the text segment to the center of the tab stop position.
As additional characters are typed in, the text moves both to the left and the right of the tab stop position, so the text segment remains centered.

Set the tab stop alignment by clicking and holding on the down facing arrowhead to the right of the Alignment display box in the "Tabs" dialog window. This displays a pop-up menu showing three options. Drag to the desired selection and release. The selected alignment now appears in the display box. Specify the position of a tab stop by typing the value into the text box to the right of Position. The unit of measure for the position is the same as that being used for the horizontal ruler.

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