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HomePrint Labels gives you the ability to place information from your database on your label.

To place database fields on your label, click and hold down the mouse button over the Database Object Tool box on the Tools Area. Pop-up menu appears that provides you with the available fields to place on the label. The fields from the most recently activated database are available via this menu. (The database you last used is the current database.

A database MUST be open and active to print labels with database information on them. You can make sure a database is open by clicking and holding on the Window menu in your menu bar. If a database is open, it will appear in the list.) By dragging onto and highlighting the desired field, and then releasing the mouse button, the Field Tool is activated. This is indicated when the cursor changes from an arrow to the “+FLD” pointer. Decide where you want the selected database field to be placed on the label. Move the cursor to that position and click the mouse button. The field will be placed at that location.

If you wish to move the field around on the label after it has been placed, choose the Object Tool from the Tools Area. Click and hold o the field and drag it around with the mouse, releasing the mouse button when the field is in the correct position. You may preview how the database field will actually look with the Object Preview Tool from the Tools Area. Choose this tool and click once on the database field. If no database is open, you will see sample database information previewed.

Database fields can be used to generate bar codes on labels when they are printed. For example, you may want to use the ZIP Code field to generate a Postnet bar code.

• First select the field and put it in the desired location on the label using

• Place Database Object option from the Object menu.

• While it is still active, use the Make Object a Bar Code option from the Object menu. The object changes from a database field to a bar code object.

• Check if the encoded data is not suitable to the postnet bar code. Use the “Bar Code Specification” dialog box, displayed by clicking on the BarCode button in the Tools Area. Note that when the “BarCode Specification” dialog box is activated for this bar code, the data field contains the database field name - Zip Code - that was used to generate this code.

• Select the Object Preview Tool from the Tools Area and click the database field object. The postnet bar code appears on the label.

Note: even without the last operation, the Zip Code field would look like the barcode when printing.

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